NErvous system focused Pediatric and Prenatal chiropractic care
Specialty care
Newborn care
Starting at birth newborns will undergo many developmental changes that there little bodies and nervous systems are trying to keep up with. Some benefits of chiropractic care in newborns:
trouble latching
colic & reflux
sleep patterns
help meet milestones
Pediatric care
Most adult spinal issues can start from when we are kiddos. Focusing on the nervous system helps kids to grow and develop free of interference. Some benefits of chiropractic care in kiddos:
better growth
better immune system
better focus and mood
less bedwetting
better digestion
less ear infections
PRenatal care
With the added stress of pregnancy on the body and nervous system chiropractic care can help your body learn to grow and develop this beautiful baby! Some benefits of chiropractic care in pregnancy:
decrease in sciatica, pelvic pain, round ligament pain
better sleep
less headaches
quicker and easier delivery
smoother recovery
Chiropractic care
Chiropractic care can help to not only ease aches and pains by getting the spine into proper alignment but also remove the interference in the nervous system to help the body to communicate and function at a higher level seen by:
reduce neck, back and hip pain
reduce headaches
decrease sciaitca
increase sleep and energy levels
improve digestion